What is Alcoholic Neuropathy? Guide Recover Today

Alcoholic neuropathy occurs when you drink too much alcohol over a long period of time. One of the effects is the decreased sensation of the hands and feet. This leads to hardly feeling any pain when you bump into something because of the lack of balance caused by alcohol which will make you more prone to bumping into things. Not being able to feel pain can mean you will not know if you have a wound or are bleeding, making your injuries worse. It’s important to remember that severe cases of alcoholic neuropathy can cause permanent damage. However, that doesn’t mean treatment can’t help alleviate some of the symptoms and improve your quality of life. If you’re able to treat an AUD early enough, you may be able to prevent further nerve damage and help keep the condition from manifesting altogether.

  • However, continuing to drink will only worsen their symptoms once the effects of alcohol have worn off.
  • Peripheral neuropathy can be a temporary concern, or it can be permanent.
  • Alcohol abuse damages the lining of the gastrointestinal system and reduces absorption of nutrients that are taken in.
  • Alcohol is one of the most misused substances in the world, and over 18 million adults in the United States have an alcohol use disorder with symptoms ranging from mild to severe.

A common cause of peripheral neuropathy is long-term excessive drinking. However, other factors might contribute to the development of the condition. A person can improve their outlook by significantly reducing or cutting off their alcohol intake and ensuring that they are receiving the right balance of nutrients. A wide range of support networks and medical treatments are available.

What Does Alcoholic Neuropathy Feel Like?

Thiamine, folate, niacin, vitamins B6 and B12, and vitamin E are all needed for proper nerve function. Drinking too much can alter levels of these nutrients and affect the spread of alcoholic neuropathy.

arms and legs

You can also see a alcoholic neuropathy recovery time therapist to help rebuild your muscle strength. Ingrown toenails are more problematic and a common occurrence than you think. They form when the side of your toenail pushes into the flesh of your toes, causing severe discomfort and pain. Flat foot problems are quite prevalent in individuals of all ages worldwide. Despite the prevalence of this issue, few individuals understand what flat feet are. As a daily runner, you most likely won’t find an adequate reason to stop running no matter the time of year or the kind of weather. However, a foot or ankle injury is going to hinder your routine.

How does alcohol cause neuropathy?

Alcoholic neuropathy can also weaken the autonomic nerves which impair the bladder function and bowel. Alcoholic neuropathy affects movements and creates sensations that can range from mild to severe, and how much alcohol causes this neuropathy can vary from person to person. Severe alcoholic neuropathy symptoms aren’t life-threatening, but they can decrease a person’s quality of life and create long-lasting disabilities. Nerve damage caused by alcohol abuse may become permanent if not treated. The first step is to treat alcoholism so that the damaging alcohol abuse stops. Then the foot doctor can formulate a plan that best suits you to reverse the nerve damage as much as possible.

How can I reverse neuropathy quickly?

  1. lowering your blood sugar.
  2. treating nerve pain.
  3. regularly checking your feet to make sure they are free of injury, wounds, or infection.

Nutrient deficiencies can over time have a serious impact on the nerves, resulting in mild to severe nerve damage. In studying the causes of polyneuropathy in alcoholics, most experts point to poor nutrition and the toxicity of long-term alcohol exposure. Many people who use alcohol neglect their diet, either eating too much or too little of essential nutrients important to maintaining good health. Alcoholic polyneuropathy is not reversible, but it is treatable. There are several signs and symptoms that can indicate whether someone has developed alcohol-related nerve damage. Alcoholic neuropathy is nerve damage that occurs in someone who drinks alcohol excessively.